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Red Wall & Stairs


Letting go of disorganisation often means we need a stronger hold of productivity.

To this end, here are tips and tools to use for yourself or with your clients: David Allen, the creator of the Getting Things Done ® methodology recently shared the tools he uses to “get things done”…

Read more about grabbing hold of productivity with this and other tools in our current edition!

To let go and move on or to hold tight and stay stuck, that is the question, if asked with awareness, that can bring us insight and self-recognition.

Engaging our emotions in introspection and self-reflection requires the discipline of compassionate and objective self-observation. Our feelings, when respected in this way, can guide us to the truth of our experience, often resonating with some deep held experience from our past.

How many times do we hold on to all the bad stuff we experience? Someone calls us a name and we hold onto that for years, never forgetting. Or someone attacks our professional experience?

We, for some reason, just can’t get past those experiences.

What happens is our brain becomes so callused by all these “hold on memories” we become impervious to seeing the good, the potential of new opportunities. Our now callused brain acts as an impenetrable barrier and we are stuck in the status quo.

Find out how to deal with this in an effective way in this edition of our magazine.

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