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Red Wall & Stairs


Why isn’t my coaching practice taking off? Why is it still hard work to demonstrate the effectiveness of coaching? Why aren’t people lining up on my doorstep?

Let’s find out!

In my unique corner of the coaching world I am privy to the comings and goings of student and professional coaches and all those in between. While my position does not afford me a grand view of the entire coaching industry, it does offer a perspective on a question many coaches are straddling these days: Why isn’t my coaching practice taking off. Why it is still hard work to demonstrate the effectiveness of coaching? Why aren’t people lining up for the work?

Find out what I discovered in this month’s edition.

It seems like every tenth person is becoming a coach, or at least would like to! In the last decade there has been an explosion of coaching accreditations, coaching schools, university degrees, coaching niches and a plethora of self professed guru’s spruiking “How to make a million dollars in your coaching room” programs for the once in a life time price of $19,999!

Being cynical about these emerging trends would be simple but in fact we should celebrate our industry as it evolves from a cottage industry to one that is maturing. Whether we will ever be a true profession is a question for a different day.

I live in Sydney, Australia and work between Melbourne, Singapore and Sydney and in my experience coaching is growing in both demand and in supply.

As an Honorary Fellow at Sydney Business School I get to lecture on a Masters of Business Coaching degree and work with some amazing students who are investing heavily in their own education for a career in coaching.

Only last week we ran a panel discussion where four speakers were invited to speak to the students about the profession from the perspectives of a buyer of coaching, a global head of Talent for a multi national company who uses coaching across the globe, from the view of an experienced coach and from a coaching academic.

Here are some ideas that emerged from that panel discussion. Read them in the February edition of the Worldwide Coaching Magazine

Playing the role of devil’s advocate for a moment, I’d like to turn the theme of this edition of the WCM e-zine on its head a bit. Instead of discussing “The State of the Profession,” let’s turn the camera around for an inward perspective and focus on the professionals. That’s you, and that’s me. I suggest we ponder this:

What is the State of My Own Professionalism?

Let me be more specific and share a few ideas as we begin to process this line of inquiry in the February edition of the Worldwide Coaching Magazine.

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